A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 Trial of Doxorubicin Plus Olaratumab Versus Doxorubicin Plus Placebo in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcoma
(See Contacts and Locations) Verified April 2024 by Eli Lilly and Company
Eli Lilly and Company
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Eli Lilly and Company
Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier
NCT02451943 Other Study ID Numbers: 15677 First Submitted: May 20, 2015 First Posted: May 22, 2015 Results First Posted: December 17, 2019 Last Update Posted: April 17, 2024 Last Verified: April 2024 History of Changes
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Completers include participants who died or alive and on study at conclusion, but off treatment.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Study
Received at Least One Dose of Study Drug
Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) Population
On Treatment
Withdrawal by Subject
Lost to Follow-up
Baseline Characteristics
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Baseline Participants
Age, Continuous | Measure Type: Mean | Unit of measure: years
Number Analyzed
258 years
251 years
509 years
56.7 (22%)
57.1 (22.7%)
56.9 (11.2%)
Sex: Female, Male | Measure Type: Count of Participants | Unit of measure: Participants
Number Analyzed
258 participants
251 participants
509 participants
144 (55.8%)
152 (60.6%)
296 (58.2%)
114 (44.2%)
99 (39.4%)
213 (41.8%)
Ethnicity (NIH/OMB) | Measure Type: Count of Participants | Unit of measure: Participants
Number Analyzed
258 participants
251 participants
509 participants
Hispanic or Latino
26 (10.1%)
29 (11.6%)
55 (10.8%)
Not Hispanic or Latino
209 (81%)
199 (79.3%)
408 (80.2%)
Unknown or Not Reported
23 (8.9%)
23 (9.2%)
46 (9%)
Race (NIH/OMB) | Measure Type: Count of Participants | Unit of measure: Participants
Number Analyzed
258 participants
251 participants
509 participants
American Indian or Alaska Native
3 (1.2%)
3 (1.2%)
6 (1.2%)
50 (19.4%)
48 (19.1%)
98 (19.3%)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
1 (0.4%)
1 (0.2%)
Black or African American
12 (4.7%)
2 (0.8%)
14 (2.8%)
186 (72.1%)
193 (76.9%)
379 (74.5%)
More than one race
5 (1.9%)
4 (1.6%)
9 (1.8%)
Unknown or Not Reported
1 (0.4%)
1 (0.4%)
2 (0.4%)
Region of Enrollment | Measure Type: Count of Participants | Unit of measure: Participants
Number Analyzed
258 participants
251 participants
509 participants
69 (26.7%)
73 (29.1%)
142 (27.9%)
Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome
Overall Survival (OS)
Overall survival was defined as the time from the date of randomization to the date of death due to any cause. For each participant, prior to data analysis, a reasonable effort was made to obtain the most up-to-date status (date of death or last date known to be alive). For any participant not known to have died as of the data cutoff date, OS was censored at the date the participant was last known to be alive. For any participant who withdrew consent for survival follow-up, OS was censored at the last date for which the participant provided consent for follow-up contact. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate median parameters.
Time Frame
Randomization to Date of Death Due to Any Cause (Up to 35.8 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants. Censored participants in Doxorubicin + Olaratumab arm = 87 and Doxorubicin + Placebo arm = 91
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Median (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Months
20.37(17.84 - 22.90)
19.75(16.49 - 23.75)
Statistical Analysis 1
Statistical Analysis Overview
Comparison Group Selection
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab, Doxorubicin + Placebo
Type of Statistical Test
Statistical Test of Hypothesis
Log Rank
Method of Estimation
Estimation Parameter
Hazard Ratio (HR)
Estimated Value
Estimation Comments
Primary Outcome
Overall Survival (OS) Leiomyosarcoma (LMS)
Overall survival was defined as the time from the date of randomization to the date of death due to any cause. For each participant, prior to data analysis, a reasonable effort was made to obtain the most up-to-date status (date of death or last date known to be alive). For any participant not known to have died as of the data cutoff date, OS was censored at the date the participant was last known to be alive. For any participant who withdrew consent for survival follow-up, OS was censored at the last date for which the participant provided consent for follow-up contact. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate median parameters.
Time Frame
Randomization to Date of Death Due to Any Cause (Up to 35.8 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants with LMS. Censored participants in Doxorubicin + Olaratumab arm = 42 and Doxorubicin + Placebo arm = 40.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Median (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Months
21.55(18.63 - 27.63)
21.88(17.54 - 25.07)
Statistical Analysis 1
Statistical Analysis Overview
Comparison Group Selection
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab, Doxorubicin + Placebo
Type of Statistical Test
Statistical Test of Hypothesis
Log Rank
Method of Estimation
Estimation Parameter
Hazard Ratio (HR)
Estimated Value
Estimation Comments
Secondary Outcome
Progression Free Survival (PFS)
PFS was defined by (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors RECIST v.1.1) as the time from the date of randomization to the first date of radiologic disease progression or death due to any cause. Progressive Disease (PD) is at least 20% increase in sum of diameters of target lesions, with reference being the smallest sum on study and plus absolute increase of at least 5 millimeter (mm), or unequivocal progression of non-target lesions, or 1 or more new lesions. Censoring for death or PD due to increase sum of target lesions is defined for each participant as the time from the date of randomization to the first date of radiographic documentation of 1 or more lesions. Censoring for death without progression is defined as the date of death if there is no prior or concurrent radiologic disease progression.
Time Frame
Randomization to Objective Progression or Death Due to Any Cause (Up to 35.8 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants. Censored participants in the Doxorubicin + Olaratumab arm = 39 and the Doxorubicin + Placebo arm =34.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Median (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Months
5.42(4.11 - 6.70)
6.77(5.49 - 8.08)
Statistical Analysis 1
Statistical Analysis Overview
Comparison Group Selection
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab, Doxorubicin + Placebo
Type of Statistical Test
Statistical Test of Hypothesis
Log Rank
Method of Estimation
Estimation Parameter
Hazard Ratio (HR)
Estimated Value
Estimation Comments
Secondary Outcome
Percentage of Participants Achieving Complete Response (CR) or Partial Response (PR): Objective Response Rate (ORR)
ORR was defined as the percentage of participants achieving a best overall response of complete response (CR) + partial response (PR). CR is the disappearance of all non-target lesions and normalization of tumor marker level. All lymph nodes must be non-pathological in size (<10 mm short axis). PR is at least a 30% decrease in the sum of diameters of target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum diameters. CR: Disappearance of all target lesions. Any pathological lymph nodes (whether target or non-target) must have reduction in short axis to <10 mm. Tumor marker results must have normalized. Best overall response is classified based on the overall responses assessed by study investigators according to RECIST v1.1.
Time Frame
Randomization to Objective Disease Progression or Death Due to Any Cause (Up to 35.8 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Number (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: percentage of participants
14.0(9.7 - 18.2)
18.3(13.5 - 23.1)
Secondary Outcome
Percentage of Participants With a Best Overall Response of CR, PR, or Stable Disease (SD): Disease Control Rate (DCR)
DCR was defined as the percentage of randomized participants achieving a best overall response of CR, PR, or SD per RECIST v.1.1. CR is the disappearance of all non-target lesions and normalization of tumor marker level. All lymph nodes must be non-pathological in size (<10 mm short axis). PR is at least a 30% decrease in the sum of diameters of target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum diameters. CR: Disappearance of all target lesions. Any pathological lymph nodes (whether target or non-target) must have reduction in short axis to <10 mm. Tumor marker results must have normalized. PD is at least 20% increase in sum of diameters of target lesions, with reference being the smallest sum on study and plus absolute increase of at least 5 mm, or unequivocal progression of non-target lesions, or 1 or more new lesions. SD: neither sufficient shrinkage to qualify for PR nor sufficient increase to qualify for PD, taking as reference the smallest sum diameters while on study.
Time Frame
Randomization to Objective Disease Progression or Death Due to Any Cause (Up to 45 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Number (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: percentage of participants
67.4(61.7 - 73.2)
75.7(70.4 - 81.0)
Secondary Outcome
Time to First Worsening on the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) Scores
Time to first worsening was calculated as the time from the first study drug dose to the first observation of worsening according to the EORTC QLQ-C30 Scoring Manual (Fayers et al. 2001). The EORTC QLQ-C30 self-reported general cancer instrument consists of 30 total items covered by 1 of 3 dimensions (1 global health status/QoL total score, 5 functional subscales [physical, role, cognitive, emotional, and social]), and 9 symptom subscales [fatigue/nausea/vomiting/pain/dyspnea/insomnia/appetite loss/constipation/diarrhea]). There are 28 questions answered on a 4-point scale where 1=Not at all (best) to 4=Very Much (worst) and 2 questions answered on a 7-point scale where 1=Very poor (worst) to 7= Excellent (best). A linear transformation was used to obtain total score ranging from 0 to 100 where "worsening" was defined as an increase of at least 10 points for the symptom scales or a decrease of at least 10 points for the functional scales and the global health status/QoL scale.
Time Frame
Randomization (Cycle 1) through Follow-up (Up to 35.8 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants who completed at least 1 baseline assessment and at least 1 subsequent assessment during the study period.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Median (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Months
Global Health Status/QoL
1.45(1.41 - 2.10)
1.84(1.45 - 2.79)
Role Functional Scale
1.41(0.99 - 1.48)
1.41(0.95 - 2.00)
Physical Functional Scale
1.81(1.45 - 2.14)
2.79(2.07 - 3.48)
Emotional Functional Scale
3.48(2.50 - 4.37)
2.83(2.14 - 4.34)
Cognitive Functional Scale
1.64(1.41 - 2.14)
1.45(1.41 - 2.07)
Social Functional Scale
1.45(1.38 - 1.64)
1.41(1.35 - 1.45)
Fatigue Symptom Scale
0.92(0.76 - 1.25)
0.89(0.76 - 1.38)
Nausea and Vomiting Symptom Scale
1.45(1.41 - 1.64)
1.41(0.95 - 1.45)
Pain Symptom Scale
1.64(1.41 - 2.10)
2.10(1.45 - 2.76)
Dyspnea Symptom Scale
2.10(1.45 - 2.76)
2.07(1.45 - 2.79)
Insomnia Symptom Scale
2.10(1.45 - 2.79)
1.58(1.41 - 2.33)
Appetite Loss Symptom Scale
1.48(1.45 - 2.04)
1.64(1.41 - 2.14)
Financial Difficulties Scale
1.48(1.41 - 2.14)
1.45(1.41 - 2.10)
Constipation Symptom Scale
1.64(1.41 - 2.10)
1.41(1.41 - 2.10)
Diarrhea Symptom Scale
2.07(1.45 - 2.79)
2.79(2.10 - 3.52)
Secondary Outcome
Change From Baseline to Maximum Improvement in Health Status Index Score on the EuroQol 5-Dimension 5-Level (EQ-5D-5L)
The EQ-5D-5L is a standardized measure of health status used to provide a simple, generic measure of health for clinical and economic appraisal. The EQ-5D-5L consists of a descriptive system of the respondent's health which comprises the following 5 dimensions: (mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression). Health status was calculated from a set of item weights to derive a score of 0 to 1, with 1 representing the best health status. United Kingdom (UK) weights were applied. The analysis includes all cycles for which at least 25% of participants in each arm have an assessment. For each participant a change from baseline was calculated for every post-baseline assessment by subtracting the baseline assessment result from the current assessment result. Maximum improvement (over baseline) was determined from the set of all post-baseline change scores.
Time Frame
Randomization through Follow-up (Up to 35.8 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants who had a baseline and a post-baseline measurement.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Mean (Standard Deviation) | Unit of Measure: score on a scale
-0.163 (0.236)
-0.171 (0.235)
Secondary Outcome
Time to First Worsening of the Brief Pain Inventory Short Form Modified (mBPI-sf) "Worst Pain Score"
Time to first worsening of the brief pain inventory short form modified (mBPI-sf) "worst pain score" was defined as the time from the date of the first study drug dose (baseline date) to the first date of a "worst pain" score increase of greater than or equal to (≥) 2 points from baseline. The mBPI-sf is an 11-item instrument used as a multiple-item measure of cancer pain intensity ranging from 0 (no pain or does not interfere) and ranged through 10 (pain as bad as you can imagine or completely interferes).
Time Frame
Randomization through Follow-up (Up to 34.5 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants who completed at least 1 baseline assessment and at least 1 subsequent assessment during the study period.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Median (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Months
7.66(6.01 - 9.63)
8.08(6.18 - 11.07)
Secondary Outcome
Duration of Overall Response (DoR)
The duration of overall response was defined for each participant with a best response of CR or PR and measured from the time measurement criteria are first met for CR or PR (whichever is first recorded) until the first date that disease is recurrent or objective disease progression or death due to any cause is observed (taking as reference for PD the smallest measurements recorded on study).
Time Frame
Date of CR or PR to Date of Objective Disease Progression or Death Due to Any Cause (Up to 33.4 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants who have evaluable DoR data.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Median (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Months
8.31(6.87 - 12.35)
4.80(3.65 - 6.83)
Statistical Analysis 1
Statistical Analysis Overview
Comparison Group Selection
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab, Doxorubicin + Placebo
Type of Statistical Test
Statistical Test of Hypothesis
Log Rank
Method of Estimation
Estimation Parameter
Hazard Ratio (HR)
Estimated Value
Estimation Comments
Secondary Outcome
Duration of Disease Control (DDC)
Duration of disease control was defined for each participant with a best response of CR, PR, or stable disease (SD) as the time from randomization to the first date of disease progression or death due to any cause.
Time Frame
Date of CR, PR, or SD to Objective Disease Progression or Death Due to Any Cause (Up to 35.8 Months)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants who had evaluable DDC data.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Median (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Months
8.28(6.93 - 9.72)
8.34(8.08 - 9.46)
Statistical Analysis 1
Statistical Analysis Overview
Comparison Group Selection
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab, Doxorubicin + Placebo
Type of Statistical Test
Statistical Test of Hypothesis
Log Rank
Method of Estimation
Estimation Parameter
Hazard Ratio (HR)
Estimated Value
Estimation Comments
Secondary Outcome
Pharmacokinetics (PK) Clearance of Olaratumab Mean Parameter Estimate
The PK systemic clearance parameter estimates from the current analysis are listed together with the population PK model estimates.
Time Frame
Cycle 1- 9: Day 1 and 8, Predose, 5 minutes Post dose and then every other cycle and follow-up (30 Days)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants who received at least one dose of study drug and had evaluable PK data.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Mean (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Liter/hour (L/h)
0.0195(0.0189 - 0.0203)
Secondary Outcome
PK: Volume of Distribution at Steady State (Vss) of Olaratumab: Mean Parameter Estimate
The PK parameter estimates from the current analysis are listed together with the population PK model estimates. The Vss is the sum of central volume of distribution (V1) + peripheral volume of distribution (V2).
Time Frame
Cycle 1- 9: Day 1 and 8; Predose, 5 Minutes Post dose and then every other cycle and follow-up (30 Days)
Analysis Population Description
All randomized participants who had received at least one dose of study drug and had evaluable PK data.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Overall Number of Participants Analyzed
Mean (95% Confidence Interval) | Unit of Measure: Liter (L)
5.72(5.28 - 6.17)
Adverse Events
Time Frame
From Baseline to Study Completion (Up to 3 Years and 1 Month)
Adverse Event Reporting Description
All randomized participants who received at least one dose of study drug.
Arm/Group Title
Doxorubicin + Olaratumab
Affected / at Risk (%)
Doxorubicin + Placebo
Affected / at Risk (%)
All-Cause Mortality
170 / 257 (66.15 %)
158 / 249 (63.45 %)
Serious Adverse Events
103 / 257 (40.08 %)
89 / 249 (35.74 %)
Other (Not Including Serious) Adverse Events
249 / 257 (96.89 %)
246 / 249 (98.8 %)
Limitations and Caveats
Not Specified
More Information
Certain Agreements
Principal Investigators are NOT employed by the organization sponsoring the study.
There IS an agreement between Principal Investigators and the Sponsor (or its agents) that restricts the PI's rights to discuss or publish trial results after the trial is completed.
Results Point of Contact
Name/Title: Chief Medical Officer Organization: Eli Lilly and Company Email: ClinicalTrials.gov@lilly.com Phone: 800-545-5979