A Multinational, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Study With an Open-Label, Long-Term Safety Phase to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Olanzapine for Extended-Release Injectable Suspension (TV-44749) for Subcutaneous Use as Treatment of Adult Patients With Schizophrenia

ClinicalTrials.gov processed this data on January 2, 2025. Link to the current ClinicalTrials.gov record.

Recruitment Status

ACTIVE, NOT RECRUITING (See Contacts and Locations)
Verified January 2025 by Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.


Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.

Information Provided by (Responsible Party)

Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.

Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier

Other Study ID Numbers: TV44749-CNS-30096
First Submitted: January 12, 2023
First Posted: January 23, 2023
Last Update Posted: January 3, 2025
Last Verified: January 2025
History of Changes

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Study Description

Participants with exacerbation of schizophrenia may be included. The study will be composed of 2 periods: Period 1 (the double-blind, placebo-controlled, efficacy and safety period) and Period 2 (open-label long term safety period). For each participant, the duration of Period 1 will be 8 weeks, and the duration of Period 2 will be up to 48 weeks. In Period 1, participants will be randomized to one of 3 TV-44749 treatment groups or a placebo group in a 1:1:1:1 ratio. All participants will be randomized again to one of the TV44749 treatment groups in a 1:1:1 ratio for Period 2. The end-of-treatment and follow-up visits will be at 4 and 8 weeks after the last dose of investigational medicinal product administration, respectively.
Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment
  • Schizophrenia
  • Drug: TV-44749 - Dose level 1
  • Drug: TV-44749 - Dose level 2
  • Drug: TV-44749 - Dose level 3
  • Drug: Placebo

Study Design

Study TypeInterventional
Actual Enrollment675 participants
Design AllocationRandomized
Interventional ModelParallel Assignment
Primary PurposeTreatment
Official TitleA Multinational, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Study With an Open-Label, Long-Term Safety Phase to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Olanzapine for Extended-Release Injectable Suspension (TV-44749) for Subcutaneous Use as Treatment of Adult Patients With Schizophrenia
Study Start DateJanuary 24, 2023
Actual Primary Completion DateMarch 19, 2024
Anticipated Study Completion DateJanuary 13, 2025

Groups and Cohorts

Group/ CohortIntervention/ Treatment
  • TV-44749 - Dose level 1
    • Low dose regimen
  • Drug: TV-44749 - Dose level 1
    • In Period 1, 2 monthly injections. In Period 2, up to 12 monthly injections
  • TV-44749 - Dose level 2
    • Medium dose regimen
  • Drug: TV-44749 - Dose level 2
    • TV-44749 - Dose level 3
      • High dose regimen
    • Drug: TV-44749 - Dose level 3
      • Placebo
        • Matching Placebo
      • Drug: Placebo

        Outcome Measures

        Primary Outcome Measures

        1. Change from baseline to week 8 in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) total score [Baseline, Week 8]
          Data gathered from this assessment procedure are applied to the PANSS ratings. Each of the 30 items is accompanied by a specific definition as well as detailed anchoring criteria for all seven rating points. These seven points represent increasing levels of psychopathology, as follows: 1- absent 2- minimal 3- mild 4- moderate 5- moderate severe 6- severe 7- extreme.

        Secondary Outcome Measures

        1. Change in Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) scale score from baseline to week 8 [Baseline, Week 8]
          The CGI-S rates this severity of a 1-7 scale, with (1) representing normal symptoms, meaning the participant is not ill. The highest on the scale, (7), represents participants among the most severely ill. Right in the middle at (4), a participant will be defined as moderately ill.
        2. Change in Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP) score from baseline to week 8 [Baseline, Week 8]
          The PSP is a clinician-based rating instrument providing an overall rating of personal and social functioning in psychiatric participants on a scale of 0 (grossly impaired functioning) to 100 (excellent functioning).
        3. Number of participants reporting at least one Adverse Event [Baseline to Week 8]
          Adverse events (including serious adverse events, extrapyramidal symptoms, injection pain and other injection site reactions), vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and orthostatic changes, and temperature), body weight, lab tests and ECGs.
        4. Number of participants reporting at least one Adverse Event [Week 8 to Week 60]
          Adverse events (including serious adverse events, extrapyramidal symptoms, injection pain and other injection site reactions), vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and orthostatic changes, and temperature), body weight, lab tests and ECGs.
        5. Change in total PANSS score from baseline to weeks 1, 2, and 4 [Baseline, Week 1, Week 2, Week 4]
        6. Change in Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) scale score from baseline to weeks 4 and 8 [Baseline, Week 4, Week 8]
          CGI-I scores range from 1 to 7: 0=not assessed (missing), 1=very much improved, 2=much improved, 3=minimally improved, 4=no change, 5=minimally worse, 6=much worse, 7=very much worse.
        7. Change in CGI-S scale score from baseline to weeks 1, 2, and 4 [Baseline, Week 1, Week 2, Week 4]
        8. Change in Patient Global Impression-Improvement (PGI-I) scale score from baseline to week 8 [Baseline, Week 8]
          The PGI-I score ranges from 1 (Very much better) through to 7 (Very much worse). The lower the score, the better the improvement.
        9. Change in PGI-I scale score from baseline to weeks 2 and 4 [Baseline, Week 2, Week 4]
        10. Change in Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale (SQLS) score from baseline to weeks 4 and 8 [Baseline, Week 4, Week 8]
          The SQLS questionnaire assesses schizophrenia quality of life. A higher score indicates worse quality of life.
        11. Change in PSP score from baseline to week 4 [Baseline, Week 4]
        12. Number of participants reporting use of at least one Concomitant Medication [Baseline to Week 8]
        13. Number of participants reporting use of at least one Concomitant Medication [Week 8 to Week 60]
        14. Number of participants that discontinued the trial [Baseline to Week 8]
        15. Number of participants that discontinued the trial [Week 8 to Week 60]
        16. Number of participants who Discontinued the trial due to Adverse Events [Baseline to Week 8]
        17. Number of participants who Discontinued the trial due to Adverse Events [Week 8 to Week 60]
        18. Change from Baseline in Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) total score [Baseline to Week 8]
        19. Change from Baseline in total score in Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) [Week 8 to Week 60]
        20. Change from baseline in Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS) mean score [Baseline to Week 8]
        21. Change from baseline in Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS) mean score [Week 8 to Week 60]
        22. Change from baseline in Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS) total score [Baseline to Week 8]
        23. Change from baseline in Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS) total score [Week 8 to Week 60]
        24. Number of participants with any suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior according to the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) [Baseline to Week 8]
        25. Number of participants with any suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior according to the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) [Week 8 to Week 60]
        26. Change from baseline in Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) [Baseline to Week 8]
        27. Change from baseline in Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) [Week 8 to Week 60]

        Eligibility Criteria

        Ages Eligible for Study 18 Years to 64 Years (Adult)
        Sexes Eligible for Study All
        Accepts Healthy Volunteers No
        Inclusion Criteria
        • The participant has a current confirmed diagnosis of schizophrenia according to the DSM-5, for >1 year
        • The participant has exacerbation of schizophrenia that started ≤8 weeks prior to screening and would benefit from psychiatric hospitalization or continued hospitalization for symptoms of schizophrenia.
        • Participants who have received an antipsychotic treatment (other than clozapine) in the past year must have been responsive based on the investigator's judgment (and based on discussions with family members, caregivers, or healthcare professionals, as applicable).
        • Body mass index between 18.0 and 40.0 kg/m2, inclusive, at the time of screening
        • Women may be included only if they have a negative beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) test at screening and baseline
        • Women of childbearing potential must agree not to try to become pregnant, and, unless they have exclusively same-sex partners, must agree to use a highly effective method of contraception prior to the first administration of IMP, and agree to continue the use of this method for the duration of the study, and for 70 days after the last dose of IMP
        • The participant is in adequate health as determined by medical and psychiatric history, medical examination, electrocardiogram (ECG), serum chemistry, hematology, coagulation urinalysis, and serology.
        • NOTE- Additional criteria apply, please contact the investigator for more information
        Exclusion Criteria
        • The participant has a current clinically significant DSM-5 diagnosis other than schizophrenia (has a primary current diagnosis other than schizophrenia or a comorbid diagnosis that is primarily responsible for the current symptoms and functional impairment).
        • The participant has a known history of the following: (a) borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or bipolar disorder; (b) traumatic brain injury causing ongoing cognitive difficulties, Alzheimer's disease, or another form of dementia, or any chronic organic disease of the central nervous system; and (c) intellectual disability of a severity that would impact ability to participate in the study.
        • The participant was hospitalized for >14 days (with the exception of social or administrative hospitalization) in the current exacerbation episode prior to screening.
        • The participant has a significant risk of violent behavior based on the participant's medical history or investigator's judgment.
        • The participant has a significant risk of committing suicide based on the participant's medical history or C-SSRS, and the investigator's judgment.
        • The participant is currently using an LAI antipsychotic or is still under the coverage period of the specific LAI at time of screening.
        • The participant has taken clozapine or has received electroconvulsive therapy within the last 12 months prior to screening.
        • The participant is currently receiving daily oral olanzapine at a dose >20 mg/day.
        • The participant has current or a history of known hypersensitivity to olanzapine or any of the excipients of TV-44749 or the oral formulation of olanzapine.
        • The participant has had a significant sedation or delirium after antipsychotic treatment according to medical and psychiatric history and as judged by the investigator or suffered from delirium due to a medical condition.
        • The participant has a non-fasting glucose level of ≥200 mg/dL at screening
        • The participant meets criteria for moderate to severe substance use disorder (based on DSM-5 criteria) within the past 6 months (excluding those related to caffeine or nicotine)
        • NOTE- Additional criteria apply, please contact the investigator for more information

        Contacts and Locations

        Sponsors and Collaborators Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.
        • Teva Investigational Site 15460 | Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, 72712
        • Teva Investigational Site 15465 | Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, 72211
        • Teva Investigational Site 15453 | Rogers, Arkansas, United States, 72758
        • Teva Investigational Site 15470 | Anaheim, California, United States, 92805
        • Teva Investigational Site 15459 | Bellflower, California, United States, 90706
        • Teva Investigational Site 15490 | Garden Grove, California, United States, 92845
        • Teva Investigational Site 15474 | La Habra, California, United States, 90631
        • Teva Investigational Site 15481 | Lemon Grove, California, United States, 91945
        • Teva Investigational Site 15491 | Long Beach, California, United States, 90807
        • Teva Investigational Site 15497 | Los Angeles, California, United States, 90015
        • Teva Investigational Site 15450 | Orange, California, United States, 92868
        • Teva Investigational Site 15482 | Panorama City, California, United States, 91402
        • Teva Investigational Site 15455 | Pico Rivera, California, United States, 90660
        • Teva Investigational Site 15471 | Riverside, California, United States, 92506
        • Teva Investigational Site 15444 | San Diego, California, United States, 92123
        • Teva Investigational Site 15449 | Santee, California, United States, 92071
        • Teva Investigational Site 15461 | Sherman Oaks, California, United States, 91403
        • Teva Investigational Site 15483 | Torrance, California, United States, 90504
        • Teva Investigational Site 15457 | Hialeah, Florida, United States, 33016
        • Teva Investigational Site 15488 | Hollywood, Florida, United States, 33021
        • Teva Investigational Site 15498 | Hollywood, Florida, United States, 33021
        • Teva Investigational Site 15458 | Hollywood, Florida, United States, 33024
        • Teva Investigational Site 15489 | Homestead, Florida, United States, 33030
        • Teva Investigational Site 15494 | Miami Lakes, Florida, United States, 33014
        • Teva Investigational Site 15467 | Miami Lakes, Florida, United States, 33016
        • Teva Investigational Site 15473 | Miami Lakes, Florida, United States, 33016
        • Teva Investigational Site 15484 | Miami Springs, Florida, United States, 33166
        • Teva Investigational Site 15452 | Miami, Florida, United States, 33122
        • Teva Investigational Site 15495 | Miami, Florida, United States, 33122
        • Teva Investigational Site 15446 | Miami, Florida, United States, 33155
        • Teva Investigational Site 15456 | Miami, Florida, United States, 33155
        • Teva Investigational Site 15479 | Miami, Florida, United States, 33155
        • Teva Investigational Site 15462 | Miami, Florida, United States, 33173
        • Teva Investigational Site 15496 | Miami, Florida, United States, 33176-2302
        • Teva Investigational Site 15477 | West Palm Beach, Florida, United States, 33407
        • Teva Investigational Site 15468 | Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 30331
        • Teva Investigational Site 15469 | Decatur, Georgia, United States, 30030
        • Teva Investigational Site 15500 | Peachtree Corners, Georgia, United States, 30071
        • Teva Investigational Site 15485 | Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60640
        • Teva Investigational Site 15480 | Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60641
        • Teva Investigational Site 15447 | Shreveport, Louisiana, United States, 71101
        • Teva Investigational Site 15442 | Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States, 20877
        • Teva Investigational Site 15466 | Flowood, Mississippi, United States, 39232
        • Teva Investigational Site 15487 | Saint Louis, Missouri, United States, 63125
        • Teva Investigational Site 15451 | Marlton, New Jersey, United States, 08053
        • Teva Investigational Site 15441 | Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, 28211
        • Teva Investigational Site 15454 | Dayton, Ohio, United States, 45417
        • Teva Investigational Site 15472 | North Canton, Ohio, United States, 44720
        • Teva Investigational Site 15478 | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, 73112
        • Teva Investigational Site 15448 | Austin, Texas, United States, 78754
        • Teva Investigational Site 15486 | DeSoto, Texas, United States, 75115
        • Teva Investigational Site 15464 | Irving, Texas, United States, 75062
        • Teva Investigational Site 15443 | Richardson, Texas, United States, 75080
        • Teva Investigational Site 59210 | Bourgas, Bulgaria, 8000
        • Teva Investigational Site 59203 | Kazanlak, Bulgaria, 6100
        • Teva Investigational Site 59208 | Lovech, Bulgaria, 5500
        • Teva Investigational Site 59214 | Pleven, Bulgaria, 5800
        • Teva Investigational Site 59207 | Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4000
        • Teva Investigational Site 59215 | Razgrad, Bulgaria, 7200
        • Teva Investigational Site 59202 | Rousse, Bulgaria, 7003
        • Teva Investigational Site 59211 | Sliven, Bulgaria, 8800
        • Teva Investigational Site 59205 | Sofia, Bulgaria, 1202
        • Teva Investigational Site 59212 | Sofia, Bulgaria, 1377
        • Teva Investigational Site 59209 | Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 5000
        • Teva Investigational Site 59206 | Vratsa, Bulgaria, 3000
        • Teva Investigational Site 88052 | Beijing, China, 100088
        • Teva Investigational Site 88044 | Hangzhou Shi, China, 310012
        • Teva Investigational Site 88060 | Hefei, China, 230022
        • Teva Investigational Site 88055 | Jining Shi, China, 272051
        • Teva Investigational Site 88068 | Nanchang Shi, China, 330046
        • Teva Investigational Site 88053 | Shanghai, China, 200030
        • Teva Investigational Site 88054 | Tianjin, China, 300222
        • Teva Investigational Site 88071 | Wuhan, China, 430030
        • Teva Investigational Site 88072 | Xinxiang, China, 453003
        • Teva Investigational Site 88064 | Zhumadian, China, 463002
        • Teva Investigational Site 52124 | Bucuresti, Romania, 041914
        • Teva Investigational Site 52127 | Bucuresti, Romania, 10825
        • Teva Investigational Site 52123 | Iasi, Romania, 700282
        • Teva Investigational Site 52126 | Iasi, Romania, 700282
        • Teva Investigational Site 82058 | Adapazari, Turkey, 54290
        • Teva Investigational Site 82059 | Ankara, Turkey, 6010
        • Teva Investigational Site 82057 | Bursa, Turkey, 16059

          More Information

          Additional Relevant MeSH Terms

          • Schizophrenia
          • Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
          • Mental Disorders