Disorders of Lipid Metabolism: Saturated Fat

Publication Date: February 1, 2023

Nutrition Intervention

Nutrition Intervention

DLM-SF: Amount of Saturated Fat Intake

In adults living with or without cardiovascular disease, healthcare professionals may suggest reduced saturated fat intake within an individualized healthy dietary pattern. Reduced saturated fat intake was associated with decreased total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) and cardiovascular disease events; however, no significant associations were found with mortality (all-cause, cardiovascular disease, or coronary heart disease), coronary heart disease events, or cerebral vascular accidents. (I, 2B )

DLM-SF: Replacement of Saturated Fat Intake

In adults living with and without cardiovascular disease, healthcare professionals should recommend replacing dietary saturated fat intake with dietary polyunsaturated fat intake. Replacement of dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat promotes healthy eating patterns and reduces total cholesterol and coronary heart disease events; however, there was no significant effect on all-cause, cardiovascular disease, or coronary heart disease mortality. (I, 1B )

DLM-SF: Sources of Saturated Fat Intake

Healthcare professionals may prioritize reduction of the amount of saturated fat over reduction of specific sources of saturated fat foods within individualized healthy dietary patterns when providing nutrition education to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Low certainty of evidence demonstrates that a variety of dairy products are not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease; however, reduction of red meat and processed meat is associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. (I, 2C )