Atherosclerotic Occlusive Disease of the Lower Extremities

Publication Date: March 2, 2015



Figure 1. Odds Ratios (ORs) for Risk Factors for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

Figure 2. Natural History of Intermittent Claudation (IC)

Table 1. Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

The SVS recommends using the ABI as the first-line noninvasive test to establish a diagnosis of PAD in individuals with symptoms or signs suggestive of disease. When the ABI is borderline or normal (>0.9) and symptoms of claudication are suggestive, the SVS recommends an exercise ABI. ( S , A )
The SVS suggests against routine screening for lower extremity PAD in the absence of risk factors, history, signs, or symptoms of PAD. ( W , A )
For asymptomatic individuals who are at elevated risk, such as those aged >70, smokers, diabetic patients, those with an abnormal pulse examination, or other established cardiovascular disease, screening for lower extremity PAD is reasonable if used to improve risk stratification, preventive care, and medical management. ( W , A )
In symptomatic patients who are being considered for revascularization, the SVS suggests using physiologic noninvasive studies, such as segmental pressures and pulse volume recordings, to aid in the quantification of arterial insufficiency and help localize the level of obstruction. ( W , A )
In symptomatic patients in whom revascularization treatment is being considered, the SVS recommends anatomic imaging studies, such as arterial duplex ultrasound, computed tomography angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, and contrast arteriography. ( S , B )

Table 2. The Differential Diagnosis for Intermittent Claudication (IC)

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Condition Location Prevalence Characteristic Effect of exercise Effect of rest Effect of position Other characteristic
Calf IC Calf muscles 3% of adult Cramping, aching discomfort Reproducible onset Quickly relieved None May have atypical limb symptoms on exercise
Thigh and Buttock IC Buttocks, hip, thigh Rare Cramping, aching, discomfort Reproducible onset Quickly relieved None Impotence. May have normal pedal pulses with isolated iliac artery disease
Foot IC Foot arch Rare Severe pain on exercise Reproducible onset Quickly relieved None Also may present as numbness
Chronic compartment syndrome Calf muscles Rare Tight, bursting pain After much exercise (jogging) Subsides very slowly Relief with
Typically heavily muscled athletes
Venous claudication Entire leg, worse in calf Rare Tight, bursting pain After walking Subsides slowly Relief speeded by elevation History of iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, signs of venous congestion, edema
Nerve root compression Radiates down leg Common Sharp lancinating pain Induced by sitting, standing, or walking Often present at rest Improved by change in position History of back problems. Worse with sitting. Relief when supine or sitting. Not intermittent
Baker cyst
Behind knee, down calf Rare Swelling, tenderness With exercise Present at rest None Not intermittent
Hip arthritis Lateral hip, thigh Common Aching discomfort After variable degree of exercise Not quickly relieved Improved when not weight bearing Symptoms variable. History of degenerative arthritis
Spinal stenosis Often bilateral buttocks, posterior leg Common Pain and weakness May mimic IC Variable relief but can take a long time to recover Relief by lumbar spine flexion Worse with standing and extending spine
Foot/ankle arthritis Ankle, foot, arch Common Aching pain After variable degree of exercise Not quickly relieved May be relieved by not bearing weight Variable, may relate to activity level and present at rest

Adapted from Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II)



...ement of Asymptomatic Disease

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...SVS recommends providing education about the...

...e SVS recommends against invasive treatments for P...

...Medical Treatment for Intermitten...

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...IC due to atherosclerosis, the SVS su...

...suggests against using folic acid and v...

...ients with IC who do not have congestive hear...

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...ble 5. Exercise Therap...

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...ecommends home-based exercise, with a goal of â...

...ts who have undergone revascularization therapy f...

...ds that patients with IC be followed up an...

.... General Considerations on Invasive Trea...

...mends endovascular therapy (EVT) or surgical tr...

...ecommends an individualized approach to select a...

...ble 7. Interventions for Aortoiliac Occlusiv...

...e SVS recommends endovascular procedur...

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...recommends the use of covered stents for trea...

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...8. Interventions for Aortoiliac Occlusiv...

...AIOD in the presence of aneurysmal disease...

...patients undergoing revascularization fo...

...ients with iliac artery disease and i...

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