Primary Care Management of Asthma
Publication Date: January 1, 2019
Last Updated: March 14, 2022
Diagnosis and Assessment
We suggest spirometry if there is a need to confirm a clinical diagnosis of asthma. (Weak for)
In primary care, we suggest against whole-body plethysmography as part of the diagnostic evaluation of asthma. (Weak against)
There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the routine use of bronchodilator response testing to exclude the initial diagnosis of asthma in the absence of airway obstruction. ()
If bronchoprovocation testing is considered, we suggest methacholine challenge testing. (Weak for)
We recommend against offering computed tomography scan to diagnose asthma in patients with persistent airflow obstruction post-bronchodilator. (Strong against)
In adults and children with asthma, we suggest identifying known risk factors of asthma-related outcomes including overweight/obesity, atopy, secondhand smoke exposure in children, and history of lower respiratory infection. (Weak for)
In adults with asthma, we suggest identifying known risk factors of asthma-related outcomes including depression, current smokers, and Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom combat deployment. (Weak for)
Primary Care Management of Asthma
Authoring Organization
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force