Surgical Management of Stones

Publication Date: September 30, 2016
Last Updated: March 14, 2022


Imaging, Pre-operative Testing

1. Clinicians should obtain a non-contrast CT scan on patients prior to performing PCNL.

(Strong, C)

2. Clinicians may obtain a non-contrast CT scan to help select the best candidate for SWL versus URS.

(Conditional, C)

3. Clinicians may obtain a functional imaging study (DTPA or MAG‐3) if clinically significant loss of renal function in the involved kidney or kidneys is suspected.

(Conditional, C)

4. Clinicians are required to obtain a urinalysis prior to intervention. In patients with clinical or laboratory signs of infection, urine culture should be obtained.

(Strong, B)

5. Clinicians should obtain a CBC and platelet count on patients undergoing procedures where there is a significant risk of hemorrhage or for patients with symptoms suggesting anemia, thrombocytopenia or infection; serum electrolytes and creatinine should be obtained if there is suspicion of reduced renal function.

(Expert Opinion, )

6. In patients with complex stones or anatomy, clinicians may obtain additional contrast imaging if further definition of the collecting system and the ureteral anatomy is needed.

(Conditional, C)
CBC, Complete blood count; CT, Computed tomography; MET, Medical expulsive therapy; PCNL, Percutaneous nephrolithotomy; SWL, Shock-wave lithotripsy; UPJ, Ureteropelvic junction; URS, Ureteroscopy; UTI, Urinary tract infection



Surgical Management of Stones

Authoring Organizations

American Urological Association

Endourological Society