Infection Prevention and Control Cystic Fibrosis

Publication Date: August 1, 2014
Last Updated: March 14, 2022

Core Recommendations

The CF Foundation recommends that all healthcare personnel caring for people with CF (eg, the CF care team, inpatient staff, environmental services staff, research staff, and staff in diagnostic and therapeutic areas, including pulmonary function test [PFT] laboratories, radiology, phlebotomy, operating room, and physical therapy) receive education regarding IP&C for CF, using principles of adult learning. Education should be repeated at intervals each center deems appropriate. (IB)

Recommendations for Microbiology and Molecular Epidemiology

Review Center-Specific Microbiology Data

The CF Foundation recommends that all CF centers obtain and review center-specific quarterly surveillance reports (eg, data from the local clinical microbiology laboratory or the CF Foundation Patient Registry) of the incidence and prevalence of respiratory tract pathogens at their centers. This review should be conducted in collaboration with institutional IP&C teams and microbiology laboratory directors. (IB)



Infection Prevention and Control Cystic Fibrosis

Authoring Organization