Management of Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Test Results and Cervical Cancer Precursors
Publication Date: December 1, 2013
Last Updated: March 14, 2022
Recommendations and Conclusions
The following recommendations are based on good and consistent scientific evidence.
- For women with ASC-US cytology test results, reflex HPV testing is preferred.
- For women with HPV-positive ASC-US, whether from reflex HPV testing or co-testing, colposcopy is recommended.
- For women with LSIL cytology test results and no HPV test or a positive HPV test result, colposcopy is recommended.
- For women with a histologic diagnosis of CIN 2, CIN 3, or CIN 2,3 and adequate colposcopic exami- nation, both excision and ablation are acceptable treatment modalities, except in pregnant women and young women.
Management of Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Test Results and Cervical Cancer Precursors
Authoring Organization
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists