Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration Outside the ICU

Publication Date: January 18, 2024
Last Updated: January 24, 2024

Summary of Recommendations

Recognizing Clinical Deterioration

Ward staff caring for hospitalized patients should strive to acquire a complete and accurate set of vital signs when ordered and when there is additional cause for concern, and to escalate the reporting of significant abnormalities to the appropriate clinicians in an urgent manner. (U, CC)
We make no recommendation regarding the routine use of continuous vital sign monitoring to recognize early clinical deterioration in unselected non-ICU patients. (U, U)
We suggest focused education of direct-care non-ICU hospital clinicians on recognizing early clinical deterioration. (C, L )
Patients, families, and care partners of hospitalized patients are able to recognize subtle differences in clinical status that may signify deterioration and should be empowered to alert appropriate personnel including the rapid response system. (U, CC)
We suggest that patient, family, and care partner concerns be incorporated into hospital early warning systems. (C, L )



Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration Outside the ICU

Authoring Organization

Society of Critical Care Medicine