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Peyronie's Disease
Publication Date: August 31, 2015
Last Updated: March 14, 2022
1. Clinicians should engage in a diagnostic process to document the signs and symptoms that characterize Peyronie’s disease. The minimum requirements for this examination are a careful history (to assess penile deformity, interference with intercourse, penile pain, and/or distress) and a physical exam of the genitalia (to assess for palpable abnormalities of the penis). (Clinical Principle, )
2. Clinicians should perform an in-office intracavernosal injection (ICI) test with or without duplex Doppler ultrasound prior to invasive intervention. (Expert Opinion, )
3. Clinicians should evaluate and treat a man with Peyronie’s disease only when they have the experience and diagnostic tools to appropriately evaluate, counsel, and treat the condition. (Expert Opinion, )