Cancer Survivorship for People Affected by Advanced or Metastatic Cancer

Publication Date: April 29, 2024

Key Points

Key Points

  • People with advanced or metastatic cancer and their caregivers may have different care goals and face unique challenges compared to those with early-stage disease or those nearing the end-of-life.
  • These MASCC-ASCO standards and practice recommendations seek to establish consistent provision of quality survivorship care for people affected by advanced or metastatic cancer.

Treatment and Care Provision

...eatment and Care Provis...

...rson-Centered Care...

...eople affected by advanced or meta...

...ple affected by advanced or metastati...

...ened and routinely evaluated for support...

...ive survivorship care planning responsive...

...urvivorship care with consideration of person-repo...

1.4are offered self-management strategies,...

...have their goals of care, life goals, and persona...

...heir financial needs evaluated, discussed, and a...

...dinated and Integrated Care...

...provide people affected by advanced or metastat...

...cted by advanced or metastatic cance...

....1are provided with patient navigation...

...referrals to multidisciplinary and interp... provided with a team-care approach...

...y referral to specialist palliative...

...e offered models of care that best suit their...

...ed a care plan to facilitate transi...

...models of peer support through support g...

...vidence-Based and Comprehens... evidence-based clinical best pr...

People affected by advanced or metastatic c... practices, innovations, and improv...

...ive information on evidenced-based supportive...

...ively encouraged and supported in decision-mak...

3.4receive multidisciplinary and i...

...5are treated by healthcare professionals (cancer...

...ted as active contributors to the content of pro...

...ated and Communicated C...

...ver routine and systematic evaluatio...

...d by advanced or metastatic cancer (i.e., canc...

...systematically assessed and routinely re-ass...

...supported with clear and timely com...

...jective and subjective evaluations and mon... medical records (electronic or paper-... embedded in healthcare settings that...

...Accessible and Equitabl...

...of cancer survivorship care are accessible (i.e....

...cted by advanced or metastatic cancer (i.e.,...

...are offered, and provided, with consist...

...2have their cultural needs acknowledged and respe...

...r spiritual needs acknowledged and res...

...4are offered care modalities and models that optim...

...5receive supportive care options that are in...

...6are provided information about, and facilit...

...are supported by specified personnel with...

...ainable and Resourced...

...e models of cancer survivorship care are susta...

...ffected by advanced or metastatic cancer (i.e.,...

...receive value-based supportive care incorpora... care in settings that are properly resourced to...

...rtive care from services that undergo routine eva...

...4are embedded in healthcare settings...

....5receive appropriate quality supportive care...

...cess to care interventions and models that are...

...rch and Data-Driven Care...

...ide quality and efficiency in cancer surv...

...ected by advanced or metastatic ca...

....1are included in the co-design of clini...

...included as participants of research trials f...

...formed of, and supported to access, all eligible...

...d back to clinical and community care after c...

...d using standardized cross-cultural tools (whe...

...6have their experience, treatment, and outcome... appropriate and equitable levels of financia... informed consent for, and facilitate havi...