Intensive Care, Right Ventricular Support and Lung Transplantation in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension

Publication Date: December 1, 2018
Last Updated: March 14, 2022


ICU monitoring of patients with PH and severe right-sided heart failure

  • ICU monitoring of patients with severe right-sided heart failure should include regular measurements of central venous pressure and ScvO2.

  • Key warning signs of imminent death in patients with right-sided heart failure are a decline in ScvO2 accompanied by an increase in lactate and a decline in urine output.

  • The use of right heart catheterisation or other devices to monitor haemodynamics and cardiac output should be considered in patients with severe right-sided heart failure and in complex situations.




Intensive Care, Right Ventricular Support and Lung Transplantation in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension

Authoring Organization

European Respiratory Society