Sleep Apnea, Sleepiness, and Driving Risk in Noncommercial Drivers

Publication Date: June 3, 2013



  • Automobile crashes are the fifth leading cause of death and injury in the United States.
  • The number of crashes and severity of injury by distance driven are highest in young drivers (15-25 yr) and in those >65 yr.
  • Crashes due to sleepiness typically involve running off the road or into the back of another vehicle.
  • Sleepiness is most commonly caused by insufficient sleep, which is associated with prolonged wakefulness or chronic sleep restriction due to long hours of work or play, shift work (comprising 7.4% of all those employed), or a variety of medical and neurological disorders.
  • Fatality reduction currently targets increasing seat belt use and reducing speeding and alcohol. However, inattentiveness, fatigue, and sleepiness are increasingly recognized as contributing, and possibly primary, factors.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common medical disorder that causes excessive daytime sleepiness, increasing the risk for motor vehicle crashes two to three times.
  • Sleepiness may account for up to 20% of crashes on monotonous roads, especially highways.
  • A high-risk driver is defined as one who has moderate to severe daytime sleepiness and a recent unintended motor vehicle crash or a near-miss attributable to sleepiness, fatigue, or inattention.
  • There is no compelling evidence to restrict driving privileges in patients with sleep apnea if there has not been a motor vehicle crash or an equivalent event.
  • Treatment of OSA improves performance on driving simulators and might reduce the risk of drowsy driving and drowsy driving crashes.
  • Timely diagnostic evaluation and treatment and education of the patient and family are likely to decrease the prevalence of sleepiness-related crashes in patients with OSA who are high-risk drivers.



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...ortunities to improve clinical practice...