Palliative Care in the Global Setting

Publication Date: May 8, 2018

Key Points

Key Points

The purpose of this pocket guide is to provide expert guidance to clinicians and policymakers on implementing aspects of palliative care — for example, the personnel, training, workforce, model, and timing of palliative care — in resource-constrained settings.

It is intended to complement the Integration of Palliative Care Into Standard Oncology Care: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Clinical Practice Guideline Update of 2016.(

All recommendations underwent Formal Consensus.



...liative Care Models...

...should be a coordinated system where t...

...(Primary Health Care)Palliative care ne...

...d (District)In addition to the provision of palli...

...gional)In addition to the communit...

...onal)In addition to the palliative c...


GeneralPalliative care needs should be...

...LimitedThe palliative care needs of patients...

...and MaximalFor newly diagnosed pat...

...ce, Knowledge, and Skills...

Basic (Primary Health Care Provider)All health p...

...ted (District-Level Facility)Interdiscipl...

...gional Facility)A team including a physician,... (National Cancer Center/Institute...

...urse Role in Pain Man...

...cross All Settings)The nurse should participa...


...s All Settings)Spiritual care provided by app...

...cial Work/Counseling...

...g StatementThe psychosocial needs of patients...

...affing is limited and specialized c...

...s and nurses may address the psychos...

...ncedCounselors with special training in palliativ...

...ioid Availability...

...All Settings)Health care systems s... health care institutions shoul...

...on to IR oral and injectable morphine available at...

...dIn addition to the opioids available at the limit...

Table 1. ASCO Framework of Resource Strat...