Cervical Cancer Prevention
Key Points
Key Points
There are three prophylactic HPV vaccines approved and recommended in the United States, Europe, and many regions and countries: the bivalent (2vHPV; against HPV 16 and 18), quadrivalent (4vHPV; against HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18), and nine valent (9vHPV; against HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58)
NOTE: Gardasil-9 (9-valent HPV vaccine) will be the only HPV vaccine available in the United States after May 2017.
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/hpv.html.
As a partial result of failures within different health care systems at both levels of prevention—vaccination, screening—and disease treatment/management, there are large regional and global disparities in cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Consequently ASCO has established a process for resource-stratified guidelines.
...f Resource Stratification: Primary Prevention...
In Maximal And Enhanced Resource Settings
...ximal And Enhanced Resource Set...
...blic health authorities, ministries of hea...
...authorities may set the upper end of the...
...14 years of age who are immune competent,...
...east 6 months ( EB , H , S )61...
...up to 12–15 months (EB, L,...
...ears of age at the time of the first...
...males who have received one dose and are >14 year...
...prevention of cervical cancer, if there is l...
...on of cervical cancer in maximal or enhanced...
In Limited Resource Settings
...Limited Resource Settings...
...lic health authorities, ministries...
...s starting at 9 years of age who are im...
...least 6 months ( EB , H , S )61...
...be up to 12–15 months ( EB , L , M )614...
...ufficient resources remaining afte...
...f cervical cancer in limited resource s...
In Basic Settings
In Basic Settin...
...lic health authorities, ministries of health,...
...ing at 9 years of age who are immune com...
...least 6 months ( EB , H , S )6...
...–15 months. ( EB , L , M )614
High coverage of priority populations should be...
...or prevention of cervical cancer in b...
In All Resource Settings
...l Resource Settings...
...HIV positive or immunosuppressed for other r...
...ccination is NOT recommended for p...
...ccination strategy is recommended for women rece...