Acute Liver Failure

Publication Date: February 1, 2017

Key Points

Key Points

  • Acute liver failure (ALF) is rare, but it is a significant clinical problem with high morbidity and mortality.
  • It is characterized by rapid progression and death.
  • Liver transplantation, the ultimate treatment strategy, is necessary for some patients and requires significant resources and a lifetime of immunosuppression, yet other patients have had spontaneous resolution and no long-term issues.



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...mmunocompetent patients presenting with ALF, the A...

...gnant women presenting with ALF, the...

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...enting with ALF, the AGA suggests autoantibody...



...y of Recommendations of the AGA Clinical G...

...enting with ALF, the AGA suggests...

...ts presenting with ALF, the AGA recommends t...

...senting with acetaminophen-associated ALF, the A...

...patients presenting with non–acetaminophen-a...