Responsible, Safe, and Effective Use of Biologics in the Management of Low Back Pain

Publication Date: February 1, 2019
Last Updated: March 14, 2022

Summary of Evidence

Lumbar Disc Injections:

Based on the available evidence regarding the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), including one high-quality randomized controlled trial (RCT), multiple moderate-quality observational studies, a single-arm meta-analysis and evidence from a systematic review, the qualitative evidence has been assessed as Level III (on a scale of Level I through V) using a qualitative modified approach to the grading of evidence based on best-evidence synthesis. (III, )
Based on the available evidence regarding the use of medicinal signaling/ mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) with a high-quality RCT, multiple moderate-quality observational studies, a single-arm meta-analysis, and 2 systematic reviews, the qualitative evidence has been assessed as Level III (on a scale of Level I through V) using a qualitative modified approach to the grading of evidence-based on best evidence synthesis. (III, )



Responsible, Safe, and Effective Use of Biologics in the Management of Low Back Pain

Authoring Organization

American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians