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Postanesthetic Care
Publication Date: February 1, 2013
Last Updated: March 14, 2022
Summary of Recommendations
Patient Assessment and Monitoring
Periodic assessment of airway patency, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation should be done during emergence and recovery.
Particular attention should be given to monitoring oxygenation and ventilation.
Routine monitoring of pulse and blood pressure should be done during emergence and recovery, and electrocardiographic monitors should be immediately available. Assessment of neuromuscular function should be performed during emergence and recovery for patients who have received nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents or who have medical conditions associated with neuromuscular dysfunction. Mental status should be periodically assessed during emergence and recovery. Patient temperature should be periodically assessed during emergence and recovery. Pain should be periodically assessed during emergence and recovery. Periodic assessment of nausea and vomiting should be performed routinely during emergence and recovery. Postoperative hydration status should be assessed in the postanesthesia care unit and managed accordingly.
Certain procedures involving significant loss of blood or fluids may require additional fluid management.
Assessment of urine output and of urinary voiding should be done on a case-by-case basis for selected patients or selected procedures during emergence and recovery. Assessment of drainage and bleeding should be performed.