Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children

Publication Date: December 8, 2016
Last Updated: December 16, 2022

Testing for TB Disease

The panel recommends that acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy be performed, rather than no AFB smear microscopy, in all patients suspected of having pulmonary TB. (S, M)
  • Remarks: False-negative results are sufficiently common that a negative AFB smear result does not exclude pulmonary TB. Similarly, false-positive results are sufficiently common that a positive AFB smear result does not confirm pulmonary TB. Testing of 3 specimens is considered the normative practice in the United States and is strongly recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association in order to improve sensitivity given the pervasive issue of poor sample quality. Providers should request a sputum volume of ≥3 mL, but the optimal volume is 5–10 mL. Concentrated respiratory specimens and fluorescence microscopy are preferred.



Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children

Authoring Organizations

American Thoracic Society

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Infectious Diseases Society of America