ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting will take place June 1-4 in Boston, MA.  It promises to be a cutting-edge event for professionals in the field of endocrinology. This conference will feature renowned experts and thought leaders delivering informative presentations on the latest research, treatments, and trends in endocrine disorders. 

Before proceeding, if you have not already done so, we highly recommend that you register for the event by clicking here. Registering will enable you to secure accommodations, access travel information, plan your schedule, and reserve your spot for networking events before they reach full capacity.

Below are some of the key sessions focused on diabetes that you won’t want to miss at ENDO 2024. The sessions are arranged in chronological order for your convenience:

Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes: From Molecular Pathways to Populations
Date: June 1, 2024, 8:00 AM
Location: Ballroom Main Stage – BCEC
Description: Cardiovascular (CVD) disease represents the leading cause of death globally. The prevalence of CVD is sustained in part by the explosion of obesity and diabetes contributing to a broad syndrome known as cardio metabolic disease. This session will discuss cardio metabolic disease from bench to bedside, focusing on both molecular mechanisms and biopsychosocial challenges facing our underserved populations.

Reward-Seeking Behaviors: Disentangling Neuropeptide-Mediated Roles in Hedonic Eating
Date: June 1, 2024 @ 9:45 AM
Location: 210C – BCEC
Description: Orexin is critical for reward and is implicated in drug and food seeking, whereas dynorphin mediates negative mood and is implicated in depressive-like states. Considering these opposing effects, reports that both peptides are expressed in the same neurons and are co-released are counterintuitive. The roles and mechanisms are being uncovered with novel methods.

Diabetes and Pregnancy
Date: June 2, 2024 @ 11:00 AM
Location: 210A – BCEC
Description: This session will review clinical considerations including patient preparation, glycemic management, and the postpartum care of individuals with pregnancies complicated by preexisting diabetes or diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy. Topics to be reviewed during case presentations will include the pathophysiology of insulin resistance during pregnancy, glycemic targets, considerations related to use of technology (CGM and insulin pumps), the management of diabetes related complications both prior and during pregnancy, and post-partum management (breastfeeding and glucose tolerance testing). Patient cases to be discussed will include: pregnant individuals with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and cystic fibrosis induced diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes Management and Exercise: How to Avoid Peaks and Dangerous Valleys
Date: June 2, 2024 @ 3:30 PM
Location: 210A – BCEC
Description: The newest generations of continuous glucose monitoring devices and automated insulin delivery systems have improved our ability to manage type 1 diabetes (T1D) dramatically in recent years. Despite these advances, however, one of the great clinical challenges that remains is how to avoid the wide glycemic excursions experienced by individuals with T1D who exercise. This practical discussion will help clinicians work through some common yet difficult cases to help anticipate, prevent, and treat these highs and lows.

2024 NIDDK Early Investigator Symposium: Emerging Inter-Organ Communication Pathways in Diabetes and Obesity
Date: June 2, 2024 @ 4:30 PM
Location: 210A – BCEC
Description: The purpose of the NIDDK Early Investigator Symposium at ENDO 2024 is to showcase emerging leaders and rising stars who are working on discovering new pathways of inter-organ communications in diabetes and obesity research. Proposed presenters are at the level of Assistant Professors who have received career development (K) and/or Research (R) or equivalent awards from NIH. Their research focuses on discovering and examining novel communication mechanisms between organs, including extracellular vesicles, metabolites, gut microbiota-derived signals, and mitochondria transfers.

The Evolving Spectrum of Diabetes Complications
Date: June 3, 2024 @ 9:15 AM
Location: 205ABC – BCEC
Description: In addition to macro- and micro-vascular complications of coronary artery disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease, and retinopathy, nephropathy and peripheral neuropathy, diabetes is increasingly associated with functional and cognitive decline, dementia, liver disease, and cancer risk. This session will discuss the evolving spectrum of diabetes complications and the implications for care of people living with diabetes.

Overcoming Therapeutic Inertia in Type 2 Diabetes
Date: June 3, 2024 @ 4:30 PM
Location: 205ABC – BCEC
Description: Over the past two decades, the management of diabetes has advanced substantially in both pharmacotherapy and technology. Nonetheless, glycemic control has not improved, particularly in patients with long-term diabetes who use insulin. A principal cause for this shortcoming is therapeutic inertia, a failure to take action through intensification of pharmacotherapy or other means when glycemic goals have not been met.

Endocrine Society and JDRF Joint Session: T1D Interventions at all Stages of Disease
Date: June 4, 2024 @ 8:00 AM
Location: 257AB – BCEC
Description: This symposium offers an exploration of new and emerging Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) interventions at all disease stages. The approval of the first disease-modifying therapy for T1D, Tzield, reshaped how clinicians should approach those at risk and in the early stages of T1D. And in stage 4, revolutionary drugs and biologics are emerging that will reshape the interventions clinicians can leverage beyond traditional insulin monotherapy.

Endocrinology of Heart and Kidney Failure
Date: June 4, 2024 @ 8:00 AM
Location: 210C – BCEC
Description: In this session, hormonal causes of heart and kidney failure will be explored. In addition, hormone-based therapies such as Finerenone, an aldosterone receptor inhibitor, will be discussed as an intervention for diabetic nephropathy.

Demystifying Monogenic Diabetes: Practical Tips for Diagnosis
Date: June 4, 2024 @ 9:45 AM
Location: 210C – BCEC
Description: Monogenic diabetes is often missed, yet precision diagnosis can transform treatment and outcomes. In this session, we’ll equip you with simple, pragmatic strategies to identify the needles in the haystack right in your clinic. We’ll review presentation, family history, and standard lab results that should prompt genetic testing. Not all gene panels are created equal, so we’ll unpack the genes that really matter and help you advocate for ideal testing. By session’s end, you’ll have fresh eyes on your patient roster and concrete tools to pinpoint those who will benefit most from a genetics referral. This could change their treatment, prognosis, and entire life trajectory.

Youth-Onset Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Date: June 4, 2024 @ 10:45 AM
Location: 210A – BCEC
Description: Youth-onset diabetes mellitus seems to be a more aggressive disease than adult-onset diabetes, including cardiovascular risk factors and outcomes. In this symposium, results from the SEARCH and TODAY studies of type 2 diabetes will be discussed, and an overview of cardiovascular risk in type 1 diabetes mellitus will be presented. Future directions in youth-onset diabetes will be summarized.

With a diverse range of sessions covering topics, such as thyroid function, reproductive health, and more, ENDO 2024 is sure to provide attendees with a comprehensive and enriching educational experience that will enhance your clinical practice and contribute to advancements in the field of endocrinology. Make sure to check out the conference recap post in June 2024 at the conclusion of the conference. You can also sign up for alerts and stay informed on the latest published guidelines and articles.

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