Shop Guidelines by

Thoracic Surgery

Displaying all 19 results

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Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain

American College of CardiologyAmerican College of Chest PhysiciansAmerican Heart AssociationAmerican Society of EchocardiographySociety of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
Last Updated: Oct 28, 2021
$ 15.95 Print
$ 17.95 Print
$ 9.95 Print

Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions

American Thoracic SocietySociety of Thoracic RadiologySociety of Thoracic Surgeons
Last Updated: Apr 2, 2019
$ 9.95 Print
$ 39.95 Print
$ 11.95 Print
$ 10.95 Print

Reporting Standards for Type B Aortic Dissections

Society for Vascular SurgerySociety of Thoracic Surgeons
Last Updated: Nov 16, 2020
$ 13.95 Print
$ 76.95 Print

Stable Ischemic Heart Disease

American Association for Thoracic SurgeryAmerican College of CardiologyAmerican Heart AssociationSociety for Cardiovascular Angiography and InterventionsSociety of Thoracic Surgeons
Last Updated: Jan 6, 2015
$ 17.95 Print
$ 9.95 Print
$ 9.95 Print
$ 8.95 Print