Guideline Central Blog

Migraine and Headache

Guidelines Side-By-Side Migraine & Headache

A Comparative Analysis of Migraine & Headache Management Guidelines – National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month

National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, observed in June, is an annual event that highlights the importance of utilizing evidence-based strategies when crafting patient-centered treatment plans for individuals grappling with headaches and migraines. With headaches ranking the 5th most common reason for emergency department visits, it is no surprise that the CDC estimates migraine disorder […]

Acute Migraine Guidelines + Trials Rundown

Acute Migraine Treatment in Adults – Guidelines+ Trials Rundown

Today we’re going to cover the first article in a two-part series that takes a look at the ongoing studies and clinical trials specific to management of migraine in adults, including acute migraine treatment and migraine prevention (both chronic migraine prevention and episodic migraine prevention).  For Part 1 we’ll be starting with Acute Migraine Treatment […]